Crisp sunlight in May

Throwing kisses upon the long grass

Carpet of daffodils where

Bumble bees play and the

Sway of the gentle breeze upon

The washing line green and

Spattered with spiders’ webs

Sticky and clinging, glistening

The warm, husky bark of

A nearby dog, persistent, loyal

Echoing through the lilac trees

Sages and limes where

Little birds dance on the spindly

Branches and the edges of

Conifers bow, fan like to the

Earth and the cloudy blue sky above

Two shirts are hanging

Trying to dry

One blue, one pink

Cotton, giving each other

Hugs loving friendship

Complete acceptance

Peace and beauty untouched

While I stand chilly

Behind a plastic framed

Window, wearing Marigold gloves

Looking out into the garden

Where I too long to play.